
Software engineer, interested in functional programming, DevOps, security and solving algorithmic problems. I enjoy building software with good system design and never compromise on product quality.

During my professional work experience, I have acquired a sound technical knowledge of declarative programming (OCaml, Scala, F#) as well object orientated programming (Java). In addition, I am working hard on my DevSecOps skills, as I believe they are critical at complementing every software engineer.

For my future projects, I seek challenging problems, that require a good amount of engineering, with a slight preference for declarative programming languages. I am very interested in distributed systems and concurrency and parallelism. One day, I would also like to learn more about system programming (Rust).

Besides reading many technical books about industry best practices and working on my side projects, I also like to spend time rock climbing, dancing Cuban salsa, traveling, or just meeting new people/friends :).


DevOps (Tezos blockchain, contracted by Marigold, Remote)
Working with the infrastructure team on making Tezos main repository a functioning monorepo. Concretely, I have been working on conditional CI execution, optimizing CI pipelines and docker images. Finally, I am actively pushing for introducing CI Observability, following open telemetry standards

Software Engineer (Tezos blockchain, contracted by Marigold, Remote)
Protocol developer for the Tezos blockchain, writing declarative code in OCaml for distributed network of nodes. Core protocol development is an open source project, a product of multiple independent companies collaboration. I have worked on designing LRU cache for lazy evaluated hash-map data structure on the protocol level, implementing data availability solution for Tezos blockchain and developing autogeneration of the base client libraries for Rust and JavaScript, that are consistent with reference OCaml implementations.

Software Developer (Ixtlan Team, Ljubljana)
Working in a team of 7 people on a Single-Page-Application, responsible for government finance management. We were building websites from scratch (Angular), implementing business logic (Java RESTful API), designing the database and writing stored procedures (Oracle). We were also responsible for testing and source control.


Migrating a DSL from OCaml to F# (SimCorp, Copenhagen)
Three-student team working on a migration of embedded DSL written in OCaml to F#. We modelled some of the missing OCaml language constructs in F#, extended the F# DSL grammar definition and corresponding parts in the evaluator. We introduced unit testing and coverage testing. We have also developed a tool-chain for automatic translation of OCaml instruments to F# counterparts using translation rules written in Comby. The project became our master thesis.

Student Researcher (University of Ljubljana) Microorganisms of Petola and Salina Mud from the Secovlje Salt Pans was an interdisciplinary research project organised in association with partner universities and research institute. As a chemist, I was responsible for elemental analysis of samples from salt pans and chemical analysis of brines and mud samples


IT-Universitetet i København, Denmark
Master of Science (MSc) in Software Design (Software Development track)
Relevant courses: Introduction to Functional Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Advanced Programming, Practical Concurrent and Parallel Programming, Applied Algorithms.

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Chemistry
Thesis: Molecular structure characterisation and elucidation using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy


  • Nordic Blockchain Summit 2022 - 1st place winners:
    Winners for the best blockchain solution for sustainable and decentralized finance
  • AdFutura Student Mobility Scholarship
  • Sigmund Zois Scholarship for talented student


  • Slovenian (native)
  • English (proficient)
  • Spanish (working proficiency)
  • Danish and German (basics only)